Friday, May 17, 2013

Little things called lemons

I love lemons. Always have. Always will.
However, these past 2.5 weeks have been one big lemon that I am trying hard to make lemonade from.
It's hard to be positive when half of you is 7000 miles away, you're 7 months pregnant and Skype has decided to come between you and your spouse. And as much as I love my beta fish, he is not very good at doing tricks yet so I can't say he has helped much. Although he is a great glaring partner. We have stare-offs quite regularly that usually end up making me smile. 
In FOUR days Ryan will be boarding a plane back to me. That means I have almost conquered this unbearable mountain. 
But you know what? There have been a lot of positives over the past couple weeks.
Ryan and I have come to appreciate each other in a way we didn't really have to before. Because yes we are one of those couples that NEVER spends time apart. This is our first time being apart for longer than, oh probably, 12 hours. So yes, three weeks and not really being able to talk to each other on a phone for longer than 10 minutes without cursing Skype has been a little difficult for both of us. But once he is back, I know it will all seem like a distant lame memory.

 I realized once again what awesome friends I have. They have reached out to me and taken care of me even when they didn't know just how lonely I was feeling at the time. I had a FANTASTIC baby shower that I just loved beyond belief. Of course it helped that it was Batman themed and Ryan had Mother's Day flowers delivered to me right in the middle of it. Yes I cried. I couldn't help it. I will continue to try posting some of the pictures of it but sadly Blogger has mood swings and doesn't like my phone uploads right now. 

And you know what else? I actually have learned to appreciate my job. My mostly dull job has kept me mostly sane. I am really grateful that I could come here (yes I am writing this at work) for 8 hours a day and now that I have become an expert at keeping myself busy here, I can slide right into that routine after I have eaten a lonely breakfast and usually shed a tear or two on my drive here. 

But most of all, I don't know what I would have done while Ryan was gone if I hadn't had  my little man to keep me occupied and up most of the night. No he is not born yet but man oh man he sure can kick. And he is a night-owl. Definitely takes after his Father and probably Batman. But that's fine with me too because when I am asleep, Ryan is awake and I have been able to email back and forth with him some nights. That makes it great. I love our little bun :)

Anyway, the final hurdle is about to be jumped. I am so glad that I am heading to SLC this weekend to stay there until Ryan gets back. It is my company's huge conference and that will keep me busy until the blessed Wednesday that Ryan finally gets home. There will be much rejoicing 
So I guess you could say that this experience has at least made a large batch of mostly sour but slightly sweet lemonade. 
One that I will promptly pour down the sink once my husband is back :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

While Ryan has been gone...

Well there is nothing like living a lonely life in Provo. So I figured that I should update the blog to assure you all that I have not spiraled down into a land of depression. I am doing just fine and I am just eagerly counting down the days until I am reunited with my bestest friend :)
But on the bright side, Ryan is FINALLY in Jordan and I get to talk to him after a week of one sentence emails and final freak out when Ryan was in Alexandria and the road back to Cairo got blocked because of a protest and I didn't know where he was or if he would make his morning flight to Amman. So yes, after a long and stressful day of waiting and lots of tears, I finally heard from my sweet husband and he let me know that he was all safe and was going to make his flight. I am so ready for these next 2 weeks to be over. I love my husband and I am so over him being  gone. But at least I can Skype with him every day and hear his sultry voice and Heaven knows how much I love hearing Arabic so it just makes my days worth waking up for. Ryan is busy spending his days working over in Amman right now. He is gearing up for interns to start arriving this weekend and, thankfully, next week is his last full week there. Then it's just a couple random days and then his flight back here to Utah! If you couldn't tell, I am quite excited about that last part. I am so ready for him to be home! 
 I think we have officially decided that next summer, after I quit working, we will just head over to Jordan for a couple months before Ryan starts his PhD somewhere. We need one last family outing before that to get Ryan geared up for another degree program :) I love having such a smarty pants for a husband. 
Speaking of smarty pants in the family, I have found another way to ensure that Tucker will be a brilliant astrophysicist. I have found a baby swing that has a built in star show and it will be the first of many steps to lead him down that path of awesomeness. I know its weird, but I always have loved astrophysics and I dearly want one of my children to work in that field since I didn't. So there you have it. I am going to be an overbearing, but awesome, mom. 
With that said, I have been working hard getting the baby's room all ready to go. It is 95% done now! I have his bed all put together, clothes organized and put away and the dresser top is covered in all things baby. I also made a cute little name to hang on the wall. All we have left to get are our glider and diaper bag and some diapering supplies. Hopefully this next week the rest of these things should be delivered! I would post some pictures of it but sadly I am not going to do that until Ryan gets home because he has said he wants to be surprised with it all. So just hold out another 12 days people and you can see my son's room in all its glory. 
I have also been so blessed by so many amazing people in our ward. Ever since Sunday when they all found out that I was home by myself they have taken the time to reach out and invite me over for dinner, to hang out, brought over goodies and treats and just all around been amazing to me. I really am so thankful for them because it makes me feel like I am not really all that alone. It's pretty great.
In other words, today has been a pretty good day :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A World Apart

I dropped off Ryan at the airport. I cried. He cried. I'm sure Tucker cried.
Worst feeling ever.
Now it's snowing for some unknown reason here in the Salt Lake Valley and I am bummed out beyond belief. But it is very appropriate for how I am feeling today. 
Ryan lands in Cairo in about an hour so hopefully we can Skype or something. But I sure do wish I was with him. I woke up at 3 am this morning and realized that's when he was landing in Paris. So I sent him an email and low and behold right after that I got a very much desired text message (thank you iPhone messaging) and I got to text him for about 20 minutes before he had to get settled into his next flight. 
Well I have no idea how to describe how much I miss my husband right now. But I sure am hoping that these next few weeks go by quickly. I am so ready for May 22nd. It will be the most glorious day ever.
In the meantime, I am looking forward to putting my stroller together tonight and going to the gym. 
As you can tell, my life is so exciting while Ryan is gone. Feel free to join in.
Alright sorry for the downer post. I promise I won't be like this all month (hopefully).